Days travelled- 25 days (3 weeks, 4 days)
Distance travelled- Approx. 3243 km (2026 miles)
Hours on transport- 76 hours (3 days, 4 hours)
Destinations- 11
Top 33 - Hoi'an - Even though we had a lot of crap here from the locals, you have got to appreciate the beauty of the beaches in Hoi'an. Especially as it was our first since our days in India. The nightlife here was really great too, just dont mess with the local mafia, they'll knock you over the head with a bike helmet, or even worse a louis vuitton man bag!
2 - Halong Bay - Very close to taking the number one spot. We referred to this place as the Yangshuo of the sea. We had a really fun group to take in the experience with, which made everything that little bit better. It was such a good cruise. But again, its unlike anything in the world, a real unique destination.
1 - Phu Quoc Island - This was just paradise here. The guesthouse we managed to stay in was the best, and we paid so little for it. Making the short walk to the beach in the morning with a lipton ice tea (lemon of course) and good book to pass the time and your doing some serious chilling. Caution. Watch out for jellyfish.
Final Advice
We were warned numerous times about the scams that can go down in Vietnam, so we were extra cautious here. Especially when it comes to drugs and alchohol the locals and the police will try to trick you into trouble and make you pay a fine. Luckily we were not cheated whilst we were there. The roads are extremely dangerous here and its rare to go on a long road trip without seeing some form of acccident. The people here were friendly in the more rural areas of Vietnam, but in the big tourist spots you can get some pretty rude and unwelcoming sorts, which isnt too nice. On a better note, the country has some great things to offer, from its sights like Halong Bay to its cuisine. The North is very different to the South, with the South being favoured in our opinion. English is very widely spoken in Vietnam as is French, with it once being run by them. Once we have visited other countries in South-East Asia we will be able to compare it to the rest.
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