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Thursday, 19 November 2009

Jaipur - The Pink City

After yet another sleepless night on the overnight train (this time kept awake by Muslim pilgrims heading for the Hajj) we arrived in Jaipur, the pink city. We usually get off the trains in a bad mood in the early morning and refuse a rickshaw ride to our hotel just to spite the drivers, who thrive on backpackers coming through their city station doors. 'You wan autorickshaw sir? Only 50 Ruppees, O.K 40 ruppees, 1-5 each, 30 ruppees, where you wan go? O.k 20 ruppees, its fast like helicopter....... Fuck Off!
We decided to catch up on our sleep again before exploring the city, which ended up being a very bad idea, as we forgot to set an alarm and ended up sleeping til abouts 4pm! Which made getting an early nights kip impossible. We went for some food (a pasta and pizza each, cuz were fatties) and took a little wander around the backstreets. The local street rat kids here were little shits, they kept jabbering a load of Hindi we couldnt understand (I could nearly translate, Maj din't have a clue) then they'd try booting you in the back of the leg and would run off! I think its time the bamboo cane came out for these little wiseguys!
We visited the main area of the city which is surrounded by a pink palace wall. Inside there were temples and museums for tourists to get hustled by. After a brisk walk around the area we made our way up to the Tiger Fort (Forts in India are always pretty cool). On our way we passed a small village and it was swarming with pigs and pigletts. We were real shocked at first, but then Maj pointed out a Sheffield United flag flying from a window, and it all started to make sense, I've put the cities biggest supporter at the bottom of this post.
As expected, the fort was worth the trek, with incredible views of the pig city (sorry pink). We took a rest at the top, doing a lil' reading and boogying to the i-pod to kill some time. After we headed McDonalds back in the city. It was a disturbing meal, as we had little beggar kids peering through the windows, miming that they wanted some food to eat, not the best thing to witness when your stuffing your face with a McChicken sandwich.

United! United! United!

Jaipur Photo Link:

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