Phu Quoc Island is a small island off the mainland of South Vietnam and it seemed that this was the place to go if you wanted to be part of the cool kids. We had to get a speedboat across to the island, which took 2hr 30min and cost 250,000 Dong, which was a lot more expensive then we thought it was gonna be. Once we got to the island, finding a budget guesthouse was hard work and in the end we stayed at a holiday resort, on the beach that had bamboo bungalows for $10 (RESULT). The guy did try charging us more once he realised he missed out on the opportunity, but with me and Danny being tight gets and from Sheffield, he had no chance!
The beaches on this island are so lush so the first day was dedicated to the beach. I know it seems like we've been doing lots of this lately but come on, we did travel China and it was freezing for 2 and a half months. The sea was full of jellyfish so I was a bit reluctant to swim in there, especially when some local guy pulled out the biggest jellyfish I've ever seen with a poxy stick. On our second day there, we hired some motorbikes and rode to south of the island, to see all the mini islands and then rode up to Sao beach from there. Sao beach was definatley the nicest beach I've ever seen with white sand, clear water with fish swimming around you and the water was so warm-sounds good ey? Obviously we stayed here for a while, had something to eat and made our way further up the island. Our aim was to get to the north of the island but I got a puncture on the way and had to push my bike for a little while to the garage to get it fixed. As I got off to check my tyre, I burned the side of my leg against the exhaust of the motorbike so I was in some pain for a while, until the guy brought out some Colgate toothpaste and put it on my burn, which took the sting away. These guys don't need the NHS-just toothpaste. Unfortunatley we didn't make it to the north but the ride around the island was beautiful. The roads are still dirt tracks and have old school wooden bridges to get across, however they are just starting to tarmac the roads, which will definately take the edge away of it once being a small island with a small population.
The last day on the island and these white people wanted to tan up. Yes i do tan and burn but I'm almost to my limit so I went for a walk down the beach listening to my ipod. The walk made me realise how many resorts there were but only on a small section of Long beach but there was still loads of the beach, which was empty, so you definately need to make it to this island before it turns into a definate tourist attraction. You can see construction going on around the island and with the roads being tarmacced, I think they have serious plans for this island.
Phu Quoc Island Photo Link:
Phu Quoc Island Photo Link: